Tuesday 24 January 2012

Essay Writing B Paper Notes

                                        ESSAY NO.1
(1) Peace (2) Our Character (3) The Holy Quran (4) The solution of our problems (5) Islam (6) My favourite Book (7) Islamic Culture (8) Islam is a perfect code of life (9) Islamic Civilization (10) A universal message (11) My Ideal (12) My hero (13) A revolutioner (14) My favourite leader (15) Real guidance
  1. Every person wants peace in life.
  2. Noble source for a noble life.
  3. The prominent features of Islamic culture.
  4. The ultimate sovereignty belongs to Allah.
  5. The real guide and message followed by all humanity.
  6. The true inspiration in my problems and difficulties.
Every person wants peace in this life and this peace can be achieved by Islam, Quran and the noble life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). The Holy Prophet (PBUH) is the greatest champion of peace. Our universal character is the Holy Quran, the greatest book of God, revealed to the last Prophet of God, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH).
                        “Greatness is nothing unless it is lasting”    (Napoleon)
The Human history is saturated with countless _________ but some __________ are known partly and some are recognized on Universal scale. The _________ that I am going to discuss is not only a universal one but the greatest benefactor of mankind. Each and every aspect of its/his countenance is practicable, deductive, convincing and modifying. That is why, all the intellectuals of the world are compelled to regard it a source of guidance and perfect in its/his principles and tenets _______ aims at the development or cultivation of the whole human race. The aims of other ______ are the cultivation of the individual his/its teachings illustrate the prominent features of Islamic culture and aim at universal human brotherhood, human betterment, human development, human cultivation, human success and human prosperity. The fundamental aim of Islamic teachings is the refinement of religion, society, politics and economical life. Even the political and economical system cannot be delightful without acting upon its/his principles.
                                    “Once the decision is taken stand by it as one man.”
It does not subdue or reduce the importance of art and literature. It vouchsafes the peace and prosperity not only to the individual but to the whole mankind. As Islam invites the whole humanity through Azan, come to success. Islamic cannon of Zakat can grant us a perfect economic prosperity. In the Holy Quran, the people have been asked to observe the objects of nature minutely. The ultimate sovereignty belongs to Allah who is the creator of universe. God has created this universe with a purpose. It does not means that Islam forbids us to do worldly things but the whole of the scientific, artistic, literary, social, economical and personal progress should be guided by the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the Holy Quran. Every person either he is teacher or lawyer, commander or soldier, trader or customer, husband or father, labour or mason can achieve guidance and real peace from life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
There is no class difference in Islam, no special religious class, no aristocracy and even no social prejudice in Islam. If we wish to get the aim height in this life and life here after, we will have to return Islam sincerely and practically.
                                    “All history is the biography of great men”
In our daily routine, we come across so many ________ that provide us with eternal guidance. My favourite _______ is _________. It/He is really a _______ that pleases me in my moments of depression and encourages me to put up a heroic struggle in life. It/He always helps me in my problems and difficulties. It/He is saturated with wisdom, glorious guiding competence and it/he preaches sublime noble virtues with which all the people may get so many benefits.
                                    “A good man never dies”      (Callimachus)

                                                            ESSAY NO.2
(1) My aim in Life (2) The greatest ambition of my life
  1. Introduction
  2. The purpose of man’s creation
  3. Haqooq Allah and Haqooq-ul-Abad
  4. Peace of mind and tranquility of soul should be aim of every body’s life
  5. How I will achieve this aim
“Hitch your wagon to a star” (Emerson)
What is the aim or object of life? Why are we born? What is life? Life is not a bed of roses. It is a bed of thorns. It is full of hardships. We have to face calamities and catastrophes at every step. It is often said that life is a challenge and struggle. So in order to make our lives great and comfortable, we should make strenuous efforts. If we want to lead a successful life, we must have a clear aim in view because no human being can live without ambitions and desires:
                        “Great ambition is the passion of a great character” (Napoleon)
But is the purpose of our life to become a doctor, or an engineer, or a teacher, or a lawyer, or a civil or military officer? Why do we adopt these professions? Do we adopt these professions to earn heaps of money?
Aim is very important in life. It provides direction to our energies. It strengthens and emboldens us. It gives us stimulus to work and act. It is the main source of inspiration. Robert Browning says:
                                    “The aim if reached or not makes great the life”
The purpose of man’s creation is not so insignificant as to hanker after a few bits of red and green papers. The purpose of our creation is to worship God and not Mammon. To worship God does not merely mean to believe in some dogmas and perform certain rituals and rites. God enjoins on us to fulfill Haqooq Allah and Haqooq-ul-Abad. These two combined together shape and form the real purpose of our life.
In the Holy Quran, God declares,
                        “Who enjoins charity or goodness or reconciliation between people.”
Allah tells us about virtues and morals a man should possess or endeavor to acquire in order to develop his own personality and to establish good relations with other human beings. Truth purity, unselfishness, humility, patience, perseverance, thankfulness, self-control, chastity, courage and forgiveness are the morals that bring man close not only to other men but also to his creator.
            “This one step…………choosing a goal and sticking to it……changes everything”
                                                                                                                               (Scott Reed)
The aim of my life is to acquire these morals so that I may serve humanity to seek God’s pleasure. I love my Allah; I fear Him too. He has bestowed upon me His unlimited blessings. My parents who brought me up and made me capable of bringing up my children; My relations who share my pains and pleasures; the cool breeze that kisses me with the down of every new day; the shinning sun that fills me with the warmth of life; the beautiful flower, tall trees, running brooks and mighty mountains that lend color, odour and strength to my life and the moon whose soft, cool and bright light asks me to be soft, cool bright…………all are God’s blessings. I want other human beings to share these blessings with me. I want to heal the unhealthy minds bodies and souls.
I want to be a social worker.
                                    “Ingenuity, plus courage, plus work, equals miracles”
                                        ESSAY NO.3
(1) Quaid-e-Azam and Democracy (2) Democracy and Dictatorship (3) The political system of Pakistan (4) Parliamentary System (5) The bright future of Pakistan (6) The importance of Democracy (7) How to remove the crisis of Pakistan
  1. A successful and popular form of government
  2. A mechanism of choosing the representative by voting
  3. The guardian of fundamental rights
  4. Dictatorship is the rule of one man
  5. How Pakistan can be made a true democratic country
  6. Conclusion: - the future of Pakistan concealed in practical democracy.
Democracy is a successful and popular form of government in the modern times. It is modern type of government where is “public will” is expressed. The dictum “some are born to rule and other to obey” is rejected by Abraham Lincon; and American President, defined “Democracy” in the following words:
                        The government of the people, by the people and for the people”
Democracy is the key to progressive and prosperous society. The solution to our problems lies in democracy, because democracy is the most popular form of government. It is supposed to be the best system of governing the people. In the democracy nearly all people of country are free to elect their rulers. Thus when there is general election, all the people above a certain age give votes to any candidates or political party which after getting the highest number of votes, comes in power.
                                    “The voice of the people is the voice of God”
On the other hand in dictatorship, the people are not free to vote any person or party they like. Only one political party is generally there under the dictatorship. Then the political party allows only those persons to stand in elections, who are not fair. A democratic government works for the people of the country. It is elected by the people. It remains in power till the next elections. In the democracy, the government can do whatever it likes. The people are free to express their ideas. They can criticize the government. The elected representative of the people can speak freely in assemblies. However the people take interest in the affairs of the country.
Bernard Shaw has defined democracy as:
“A social order aiming at the greatest available welfare of the whole
    Population and not for a class”
The bright future of Pakistan depends upon practical democracy. There are two types of democracy. They are (a) Islamic democracy, (b) Western democracy.
          In Islamic democracy, the qualities and merits are measured. On the contrary in western democracy, the quantity or number is measured. As Allama Iqbal says:

Western democracy cannot succeed and develop in Pakistan for lack of such accordingly situations. Quaid-e-Azam the father of nation, loved all forms of democracy. He did not criticize his critics. He was of the view that if a government does wrong. We should criticize it. The wrong policies of the government are openly criticized and condemned in democracy. Therefore, the development of our country depends upon the practical introduction of democracy.
“The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy”
If every person, belonging to any caste or section, will be free to express his difficulties and problems, the whole nation will be glad and prosperous. In the dictatorship, the people are not free. There are restrictions on them. They cannot form political party. In the democracy, newspaper and press are free. They can discuss the affairs of the country as they like. In short, the bright future of Pakistan is concealed in the practical introduction of democracy.

                                                            ESSAY NO.4
(1) Science (2) Importance of technology (3) Scientific revolution (4) The using of scientific methods (5) Human friend (6) Age of power (7) Progress (8) Modern age (9) Modern civilization (10) Modernity (11) Past and present (12) Atomic energy
  1. The modern age is the age of science.
  2. Modern inventions have greatly contributed to man’s comfort
  3. Science has made a remarkable contribution in every field of life.
  4. Evil aspects of science.
  5. Science has not taught us to act like men.
  6. In fact, there is nothing wrong with science.
A great scholar and intellectual say that the whole progress of man is due to science. That fact is accepted psychologically and logically by every man of intellect. Actually all the changes in society, ups and downs in life and evaluation of human mind are taking place because of modern science and technology. The same happening is called modernism.
                        Society live by faith and develops by science” (Amiel)
Time is moving at a fast and unceasing pace. The child grows into a youth and youth into an old man. One generation yields the place of another. All the social, political, cultural, economical and educational ideologies are changing and this changeless is resulted and directed by the scientific methods of the modern world.
                                    Science surpass the old miracles of mythology”
        In the olden times, the people lived in caves. They lived on dry leaves and untasteful food. They had no manners of eating, drinking, living, talking and performing. Soon they adopted the modern values by using scientific methods. In the 21st century, the situation is quite different from that of old age. Before the dawn of scientific civilization, there was not a beam of art, literature and philosophy. But today, science has brought about a happy revolution in human life. The latest means of transport and communication have greatly influenced the human activities. The telephone, mobiles, wireless and internet have changed the whole world into a global village.
                        “The new electronic interdependence recreates the world
   in the image of global village”   (Marshall Mcluhan)
Science has made a remarkable contribution in the field of medicine. It has helped us to fight against fatal diseases. It has lessened the pain and miseries of man.
The crowning achievement of science is, however, the release of atomic energy. This energy has enormous industrial and commercial potentialities.
“Science is the key which unlocks for mankind the storehouse of nature”                         
We have plumed the ocean, flown over the Everest ransacked the nature and despoiled her of her secrets which have contributed to the tremendous progress of the world. But if we look to other side of the modernity in result of science, we will find that the world is not happier in spite of the disappearance of distance and the more rapid transference of thought. We find that this fairy is also fury. By putting enormous power for creation and destruction in the hands of man without investing him with self-control or spiritual wisdom, time and progress ahs made him dizzy, for the power has gone to his hand. Science has revolutionized the whole concept of war.
      Time and science has turned this modern civilization into an age of power. There is nothing wrong with the using of scientific methods. It is up to the man to use it either for peace or for war. Though, science has given man more lights in homes, better cloths and more production. Speedy ways treating the patients etc, yet there can precisely be seen a ruinous effects of scientific inventions. There is comfort but vacillation also. A few “Atom bombs” can destroy all the progress that mankind has made for so long. However much depends upon the way, we use scientific knowledge and inventions. We should put them to good use. If we put them to ruinous purpose, we are sure to face utter destruction and devastation.
      In short, modern age is the age of science, age of development, age of technology, age of wisdom and age of anxiety.

(1) Patriotism (2) Why I love Pakistan (3) My dear homeland (4) National progress (5) Love for one’s country
  1. Patriotism is a noble sentiment.
  2. Love for country and nation is a part of creed.
  3. The people of Pakistan, politicians and their sense of patriotism.
  4. Pakistan is the identity of my being.
  5. My patriotism is neither narrow nor blind.

A great thinker and philosopher-poet, Allama Muhammad Iqbal said,
“A traitor is so much cunning and bad person that he will not be accepted even    by the hell”
This is not an emotional statement but a great face of life. Everyman whether he is poor or rich, the king or beggar has a deep connection with his country. This connection is unbreakable. That is why patriotism has become a firm reality of the world. A man, who is not patriot to his country, is not sincere to himself. His country is his home and his nation is his family. Thus, his most powerful instinct; the passion of love; takes his country as a natural object for love and respect. Hence love for the country is a part of his creed. It is neither developed nor created. Shakespeare says:
                        “He who does not have his country, can love nothing”
The country’s love is vested ion human nature. A man, who loves his country, virtually and offers every kind of sacrifice for the integrity of country, is called patriot. Patriotism means the national and collective interest should be preferred to personal, racial, geographical, social and cultural interests. The nation is like an ocean. The drop of water draws its strength from the ocean. Similarly, an individual draw his strength from the nation or community of which he is a member. Allama Iqbal has very wisely said,
            “The individual exists only in relation to the group; outside the group, he is               nothing. The wave exists only inside the river; outside the river, it is nothing.”
So, national unity is vital for the survival and genuine progress of a nation. Islam, my religion teaches me to love my homeland. When our dear Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (PBUH) was migrating to Yasrab which is now known as Madina-tul-Munawara, there were tears in his eyes on the isolation of Makkah. He addressed Makkah thus.
O’ Makkah, you are very dear to me. I never wish to leave you but your dwellers,                                    do not allow me to stay here any longer” (Hadith Sharif)
This is the first reason of my affection Pakistan is my motherland. Every person loves his mother, so I love my motherland Pakistan. I was born in Pakistan. I opened my eyes in Pakistan. I got Islamic identification and recognition in this country. I eat here, walk here, enjoy here, amuse here, make progress here and breathe here, so I love this country from the core of my heart.
            “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country” (Nathan Hale)
Unfortunately our country is facing many problems. The people are blaming the politicians. The politicians are criticizing the government. The government is vilifying the opposition. The fact is that all the people are losing the sense of patriotism. We love our country verbally not practically. There is much difference in our saying and doing. Every person is destroying and looting this country. Actually this country is still alive by the kind prayers and benedictions of great scholars and saints.
I would like to request every Pakistani, love Pakistan or leave it but don’t destroy it. If we wish to cure our diseases, if we want to get rid of our problems, if we long for the eternal progress, if we wish to change our fate, we will to strengthen the ideology of Pakistan. We should love our country sincerely and practically. Patriotism is one of the most sublime and noble passions, provokes us to love our country as well as countrymen. It is the passion that makes us reject our own benefits for the sake of our country’s decorum.
            “Patriotism consists not in waving the flag, but in striving that our country shall              be righteous as well as strong” (James Bryce)

(1) A visit (2) And unforgettable event/incident of my life (3) A natural scenery (4) Hill station (5) A study tour (6) A picnic (7) A visit to a historical place (8) Recreational trip (9) Natural beauty
1.   My personal experience of visiting a hill station.
2.   Interesting experience to enjoy the natural beauty.
3.   Natural beauties are always a source of great inspirations for artists.
4.   An unforgettable impression on my mind.
      “What peaceful hours I once enjoyed! How sweet their mem’ry still! (Cowper)”
  We come across many visits in life. Some visits are interesting and absorbing. The visit that I am going to describe is based on my personal experience with a view to study tour. I was deeply impressed by the natural beauty, orchards, green pastures and journey hardships. This visit was so interesting and complicated that it became an unforgettable event of my life. We started for “Swat valley” early in the morning. It was a pleasant and delightful day in April. Our teacher and the college principal also accompanied us. After three hours we reached swat valley. The vegetation, green plots, streams, dry rough mountains around the valley were looking very graceful. We saw a plentiful of apricots, plums, peaches, etc. and out mouth watered.
        “Flowers always make people better, happier and more helpful” (Luther Burbank)
We were deep-rootedly fond of looking into aesthetic phenomenons. This visit provided us with a true and realistic picture of the scenic beauty of the beautiful valley during the spring season. The ruins of Gandhara civilization, the transparent winding stream of the valley, the forests and the monasteries of the valley drew our attention once for all.
All the students and teachers were admittedly enchanted by the preposterous beauty of the valley. In addition to this, the fertile land, the shining rivers, the mustard fields, the wheat fields, the bending willows, red-poppies on the bank of stream were looking very glorious and graceful in the mountainous landscape.
The beauty of the oak trees, the clumps of olive trees and the sparking streams have imprinted listed impression on our minds. The captivating beauty of the Swat valley had really been increased manifold by our own aesthetic taste and choice.
                              “What is this life if full of care,
                                we have no time to stand and stare” (William Davies)
A number of artists and visitors have derived natural charms out of this historical place like Swat valley. A plenty of writers have given us an impressive and picturesque detail of the colourful valley. The long and short of this whole visit is that Swat valley is a place full of natural treasures. This visit is still present in my mind.

(1)Social evils (2) Corruption (3) Smuggling (4) Over population or population poverty (5) Unemployment (6) Drug addiction or drug abuse (7) Terrorism (8) Sectarianism (9) Bribery (10) Black-marketing (11) Indiscipline (12) Hypocrisy (13) Favoritism or Nepotism (14) Political instability (15) Provincialism or Regionalism (16) Religious violence (17) Kalashnikov Culture (18) Lawlessness (19) Feudalism (20) Poverty (21) Insecurity (22) Linguistic violence
_________ has become one of the most dangerous, fatal and harmful problems throughout the world, especially in the poorer countries. It has been damaging mankind like a devastating disease. Every citizen feels that if ________ is eradicated, there may be peace and calm among the masses.
____________ misbalances or demoralizes our nation and creates depression ad frustration in a society. It spreads uncertainty and insecurity among the public. If _________ spreads in a society, it destroys its resources and not only harms its inner structure but also damages its outer splendor. As a result, a nation’s good image is spoiled all over the world. Lack of law and order created by ________ has become the burning issue now-a-days. If it is not properly checked, the whole structure of the government as well as the nation will collapse.
__________ is profoundly detrimental for a country like Pakistan that has weak economic and political structure, if the evil of _____ is not nipped in the bud, it may spread like wild-fire and many eclipse the future of the nation. It weakens the people’s faith in state institutions and causes severe blow to constitution as well. It deprives the masses from mental, physical and spiritual health of the nation. ________ paves way for critical revolutions. So, every patriotic and nation-loving person afraid of ________
Firstly, the main causes of ____ are illiteracy, poverty, poor policies of the government and the materialistic aptitude of the people. ________ creates economic pressure, social injustice, growing gulf between the rich and the poor.
Secondly, religious, regional, linguistic and provincial difference also creates confrontation and abhorrence among the people. Thirdly, feudalism, capitalism, uneven distribution of wealth spread _____________. Fourthly, non-availability of the basic necessities of life also creates restlessness and paves way for ________. Fifthly, the external factors including enemy-countries like India also try their utmost to spread ________ in our sacred land and destroy the unity and brotherhood among the masses.
In the end, I would conclude by asserting that there must be strict laws to control ________. There should be justice and equality in the society so that, sense of depravity is not created in our public. The people should given proper chances to get educated treated and to make financial progress. Only in this way, _____ can be overpowered for the stability and solidarity of the country.

                EXAMINATION SYSTEM
  1. Examinations are an important of our educational system.
  2. Decline in the standard of education.
  3. Examinations are nigh-mares for the students.
  4. Examinations are the best of a man’s ability and efficiency.
  5. Examinations are a source of inspiration for the students.
  6. Examinations have some disadvantages.
  7. Defective system of examination.
  8. Change in the style of question papers.
  9. Appointment of honest supervisory staff.
10. Conclusion.
Examination means a test of capacity and knowledge. Examinations are an important feature of our educational system. Periodic tests are held to test how far the students have succeeded in learning their lessons and grasping the lectures delivered by their teachers. These tests are useful in determining the effectiveness of teaching. They are also held to determine the standing of the candidates of different jobs.
The standard of education is declining in Pakistan. Our educational institutions are producing not men of letters but man of money. The purpose of getting education is not to prepare them for life. So they seek short cuts to pass their educations so that they may achieve their goal as soon as possible and with as less labour as they can. Unfortunately our examination system is so out dated and misplanned that it helps them achieve this aim. Great progress has been made in every field of study but the method of testing a person’s knowledge is still old. Now people argue that it is only a good means of testing a student’s memory. But it can tell us nothing about his real ability.
Examinations provide a great incentive to work. Most of the students would not work hard without the fear of examination. A vast majority of students are not regular workers. It is only with the approach of the examination that they become serious about their studies. Examination brings out the best that is in them. There by they learn application and devotion to work. But examinations are not an unmixed blessing. They are open to serious objections. Our examination system encourages memorization. We mug up important questions that may occur in the examination paper and then vomit them out in the examination. Thus examination does not motivate a student to read widely. It is often seen that the most successful students are those who are best trained in examination techniques and not those who are best educated.
      Our present system of examinations is defective. Some candidates resort to copying and try to use different unfair means, In order to prevent the use of unfair means, the examination centers should be declared prohibited areas where trespassers should not be allowed to enter under any circumstances. Honest persons should be appointed as invigilators on the recommendation of the principals and headmasters. Examinations have become a profitable business for the institutions that run them. They collect huge fees from the students each year and then spend them lavishly on the maintenance of their offices and cars. This system requires a drastic change. Syllabus should be revised. They should be in harmony with the mental level of the students and the requirements of the country.

                                        ESSAY NO.9
(1) Health is wealth (2) Importance of health (3) Importance of sports (4) My favourite game (5) A sound body keeps sound mind (6) Football match (7) Hockey match (8) Cricket match (9) One day match (10) Table Tennis
Health and sports are interdependent and interconnected. An unhealthy man cannot participate in the games because the games always demand for the person who is healthy and strong both physically and mentally. A sweet mind always performs fair game which is liked and appreciated by all the spectators. The sports activities such as Football, Cricket, Hockey, Wrestling, Badminton, Squash, Table tennis, Basket ball etc. are natural to human mind. The choice of games, the liking and disliking of man in the field of games is verified and differentiated due to the discriminations of mind. They are some who like their as favorite game and some who like football as their favorite game. There are various reasons for their liking and disliking.
Keeping in view the healthy principles, my proper choice in the sphere of games is _______. This game teaches me discipline which is helpful to lead a good life in society. Some people say that games are an interference to study.
A student must be a player but he should not be professional. So I devote two hours daily for my practice in _______. I go to nearby garden every evening and do net practice.
I am the captain of my college team. Last week, our team played a match with the team of another area in the city. There was a great a multitude in the ground. Both the teams were balanced. The players exhibited animal spirits. By the grace of God, we won the match by the three wickets/goals/points, because _______ was our favourite game and we played most willingly. My devotion to games is due to certain reasons. Firstly, the games are an important part of active life. They are an important source of recreation. They keep our mind fresh and sane. Secondly, they help to develop good citizenships in the youth of nation. They teach us how to live together.
      They give us the methods of patience, tolerance and sacrifice. They create in us a sense of uniformity and equality. The boys who play games are less fearful and more industrious. They are more loyal and patriotic to their country to some extent than those who do not play. In a play ground, a man forgets his worries and miseries for the time being. A fair game gives the man a sense of tolerance and joyfulness.
       To sum up, the significance of games has universally been admitted as a compliment of life. The government should improve the sports tendency in society to make our nation sane, sensible, spick and span. Health is the sweetest, greatest and the most glorious gift of nature. It is said that only a diseased or crippled person really knows “What health is!”?

(1) Technical education (2) Technology and our country (3) Technical education and Pakistan
  1. Introduction to technical education (skilled education)
  2. Significance and benefits of T.E
  3. Demand of current Era
  4. Future prospects
  5. Modern technology and Pakistan
Education can be divided into many categories like social education ethical education (religious education), moral education, general education and technical (vocational) education. Each of these educations has its own significance and perimeters.
From the past few decades, there has been a far growing trend towards Architecture, Establishments, Mechanical works and Electronic devices. Each of these mentioned fields is somehow related to the technical expertise and research. For example construction of buildings, roads, bridges and many more involve civil technology. Likewise cell phones, televisions and all other electronic devices involve electronic technology. Chemicals manufacturing and chemical industry is because of chemical technology. Electricity and electrification is due to electrical technology. As a whole it can be said that almost every important sector of our life is somehow related to some technology.
      Today is the age of modern technology. It can be seen in the form of cell phones, electrical appliances, cars and also big buildings and flyovers. We cannot deny from the importance and need of technical education by any way. It is also understood that technical education has played a very vital role in the development of every advance country. Computer is one of the greatest revolutions that have been made in the field of modern technology.
      Technical education is also getting its importance in Pakistan from the last few years. About few years government has established a regulating authority that named “TEVTA” (Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority), in order to improve the performance technical & vocational institutions. This department has not only addressed the weaknesses and deficiencies in technical education field but also try to set there institution on future demands. We have now good Architects, industrial mechanics, electricians, automobile engineers and many more. Although, a great deal of work has been done but still a lot, more need to be done in order to standardize and patronize these industrial nurseries.
      At the end, it can be concluded that technical or skilled education is the basic requirement of our country. We all should need to understand its significance and application in our everyday life.

    Knowledge is power
            Knowledge means the facts which man gets from various sources. Human five senses are gates of knowledge. Observations, books and teachers are great sources of knowledge. Without knowledge man is just like animal.
     Allah has emphasized the need of knowledge of knowledge for man at many places in the Holy Quran. After the creation of Adam, Allah gave him knowledge of all the things, as the following Quranic verse shows:
            “And He taught Adam names (knowledge) of all the things” (Baqra 2:31)
The very first revelation containing five verses instruct to read. At another place the Holy Quran says:
                        “Only those who have knowledge fear Allah” (Al-Fatir)
Similarly according to the Holy Quran the knowledgeable people and the ignorant people can not be equal. There is another Quranic verse which says: O Allah, increase my knowledge.
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said:
            “To acquire knowledge is binding upon all Muslims, men and women”

He also said:
“Whosoever goes in search of knowledge engages himself in the cause of Allah,                                                               until he returns”
These two sayings of the Holy Prophet signify the importance of knowledge. It implies that real Muslim is one who seeks knowledge no matter he has to go to China for this purpose. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) once said that a Muslim is one who is continuously in search of knowledge from cradle to grave.
Knowledge is the only source to reach Allah, who is the only power of heavens and earth. So knowledge definitely means power. Shaikh Saadi said:
                                    “Man without knowledge cannot recognize Allah”
After all, what is knowledge? Knowledge does not mean education which is to communicate facts. Knowledge means to seek truth. Truth may be about Allah, about universe, about life and about society. When you discover truth, you discover laws of nature, and you use them for the welfare of mankind. Truth is of two types-Truths about physical laws of nature which includes all physical sciences, and truth about life and its principles including all social sciences along with divine instruction given in the Heavenly book.
No doubt, knowledge is power. It is up to you either to use this power positively or negatively to make this world a peaceful home or to make it place of fear and bloodshed.
      There are many branches of knowledge-Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, Engineering etc. by virtue of the power of knowledge man has done wonders. Man has conquered nature to a large extent. Man has cured diseases. Time and space have been controlled. Man has trampled the moon. Today distances mean nothing. World has become a global village. Life has become easy and comfortable. All this is due to the power of knowledge, but this power should be used positively. There is a famous saying.  
                                                “Pen is mightier than sword”
It implies that power of pen is actually the power of knowledge, as pen is a means to spread knowledge. Sword is symbol of material progress and prosperity, but pen or knowledge is more powerful and the real power is due to knowledge. So knowledge is power.
   ESSAY NO.12
(1) The role of Newspaper in Pakistan (2) Importance of press (3) Newspapers (4) Function of newspaper (5) Print media
Newspaper means a paper which gives us news. The word news contains four letters of English alphabets. N stands for North, E stands for East, W for West and S for South. Its interpretation is that newspaper gives us information of all side and direction of the world. The main functions of newspapers are meant to afford the public information, entertainment and guidance about a variety of subjects vital to modern man.
      Modern man gets much of his knowledge from the press because in it he finds information about men and matters of daily life. A modern newspaper covers nearly every sphere of human activity, such as economic question, education, letter, business, politics, the theater, radio a cinema and sports. The newspaper is the mirror of the world it tells us about the world around us as it was in the last twenty four hours. Someone has said amusingly that the word NEWS is made up initials of North, East, West and South and that in this way newspaper means something which brings us information of the world from all corners of the earth. Now-a-days things are moving so rapidly that to deep abreast of the times it is necessary to read the newspaper regularly.
      Newspapers are read for a variety of reasons. They have political news. Election and their results, the relation of the countries, the trends of the government the proceedings of the Assemblies are all reported in the newspapers.
Again, the lovers of sports find news of the choice, the businessmen get commercial news; the buyers and sellers; the employers and unemployed all get somethings to their taste. Advertisements are an important part of newspapers.
      It is said that if a dog bites a man it dies not make news but if a man bites a dog the event is unusual enough to report in the daily newspaper. Anything which will pique the human fancy has the right to appear in the newspaper. So you will find such things as the hen which laid a thousand eggs in seven days, the cow which bore a three headed calf, the house in which the spirits fought and set fire; all getting their due share in the newspapers.
      The most important parts of the newspapers are the editorial in which the editor comments on some news-time of importance to general public; and the letters, in which the readers comment on news appearing every day. Articles of a special nature such as on science of arts also appear daily. Cartoons and illustrations of important events are also now part of the newspapers. We can say that modern man and newspaper are inter-connected. It is a source of communication cheaper and better than other resources.

Essay No.13
Population Explosion
  1. Introduction.
  2. Over population is a worldwide problem.
  3. A serious impediment in the city way of economics development.
  4. A comprehensive plan of family planning.
  5. There is no religious injunction against birth control in Islam.
                It is always the people of a country who build a nation by their toil and sacrifice. They defend its freedom at the cost of their own lives and earn honour for their country by their intellectual pursuits. But at the time, the numbers of people become a trouble breeding poverty and retarding progress. This happens when a country has excess of population that is, when it has to feed and clothe too many persons with too little resources. Such a state of disparity between population and resources is known as over. The main problem that the modern world faces today is population explosion. Increasing population is a danger for the present world. There is shortage of food, yet each year. There are many more people to eat it. This situation has caused famine in many parts of the world. Million and millions of people die of hunger. The rate of development in many countries has slowed. There unemployment is on increase. There is shortage of facilities like housing, foods, clothing, education, transport, hospitals, schools and colleges. The cities are full of beggars. Our country Pakistan is a glaring example of over Population.
                   Pakistan is an over population country. Its ratio of increasement in population is touching to the dangerous ratio level of world standard. There are many reasons of increasing population in Pakistan. In our society, a large family is well honoured and respected by other members of the tribe. They regard or think boy as one of the most special blessings of Allah. For having more and more sons in the family, people have bred more children.
Illiteracy is also one of the causes of overpopulation here. People bear or bread children without following any kind of family planning pragramme. They don’t bread children according to their own financial resources. They can’t facilitate their children the basic needs within their limited sources of life.
          Our government is financially not much strong to provide all basic facilities of education, living, medical, protection etc. to this over-population. Now-a-days, Pakistan is badly suffering from increasing ratio of rape, murder for money, lawlessness, violation, exploitation and suppression.
          Ignorance is the root cause of all evils. Ignorant people have a large number of children. They believe it to be the business of God to bestow as many children on them as he likes. The do not want to interfere with the work of God. The wrong nation must be uprooted from the messes by educating them. Islam itself presents the solution to this problem. In the Holy Quran God says,
          “And mothers should suckle their children for two whole years”.
This means that an intervening space of about three years should elapse between one pregnancy and another. If this Quranic injunction is followed the problem of population explosion can easily be solved.
Essay no.14                
                                 Inflation / price hiking
1.   The meaning of inflation.
2.   A world wide problem.
3.   Causes of inflation.
4.   Harms of inflation.
5.   Useful measures to control it.
6.   Inflation in Pakistan.
  1. Conclusion.   
Essay :
          Inflation is an economic term. It means rise in prices brought about by expansion of supply of bank or credit etc. It describes a fall in the purchasing power of money. Generally, inflation is often   taken to mean high prices. The prices of necessities of life increase rapidly and pose a serious problem for the lower and the middle class. Now it has become a universal problem. Majority of population in Pakistan belong to low income group when there is any rise in prices, they are hard hit. They have to cut down their expenses on necessary things.

There are many causes of inflation. The inflow of foreign aid is the greatest cause of inflation in Pakistan. The money in circulation increase but the supply of goods remains the same and it causes inflation. Secondly, rapid growth in population is another cause of inflation. Thirdly, low production of goods also causes price hike. Fourthly, government is also responsible for inflation. Sometimes, it imposes high taxes on certain things hence their price rise. In our country, the few privileged hands also cause price hike.
          Inflation breeds many evils. People having no means of buying the necessities of life, are coerced to adopt unfair means. In order to satisfy their hunger, they become thieves, robbers and pick-pockets. The government servants with fixed income misuse their powers and demand bribes. The rich grow richer but the poor go under unbearable debts. The gulf between the rich and the poor widens until it results in mob violence or revolution. Inflation affects national standard of living. When there is paucity of things, the businessmen resort to adulteration, hoarding and black marketing to maximize their profits.
          We should take certain steps to check inflation or rise in prices. Firstly the government should check the high birth rate. It should keep the population within limits as far as national resources allow. Secondly, it should make long term economic policies. It should not try to issue more currency to meet the budget deficit. It should increase the resources of national income. Thirdly, it should not impose so many taxes or levy duties or surcharges on the necessities of life. Fourthly, it should keep a vigilant eye on the production and sale of essential goods. It should make efforts to increase production of goods and service. It should snub the hoarders, black marketers and adulterations.
 They should be compelled not to increase the price in case of shortage of goods. The defaulters should be given exemplary punishments. The government should also reduce the import of luxury goods like costly cars or cosmetics. If the government takes these steps, it really deserves the title of the welfare state.                    




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